The Conjuring Movie Review

The Conjuring has nothing new on the table for horror fans. The movie gives us a lot of dark scenes, eerie silences, piercing screams, falling objects, loud noises and hideous, white faced ghosts. The music is effectively timed, enough for experienced horror enthusiasts such as myself (lol) - to steel and buckle up on a scary movie moment.

The Conjuring

Despite all the clichés, however, The Conjuring is still effective. If you are looking for a scary movie, try this one – it’s definitely scary enough. The only, small, miniscule letdown is the acting of the daughters in the movie. Chalk it up to age and inexperience but there were moments when you feel their terror was and forced, making it obvious for what it really was – acting. The main actors, Ron Livingston, Lili Taylor, Vera Famiga and Patrick Wilson gave good performances, despite the fact that the script they’d been given was simple and shallow. In the movie, we hardly see anything in their character apart from their profession and familial relationships.

Perhaps the creepiest factor in this entire movie is that everything was based on the real-life ordeals of the Perron Family and the encounters of the Warrens. The end of the movie shows us their pictures and even if this is not the first horror movie that’s based on real –life situations, (remember Amytiville Horror and Exorcism of Emily Rose?) – the mere fact that it really happened a long time ago is enough to send shivers down anybody’s spine.

The Conjuring opens in cinemas on August 21.

1 comment:

  1. Heard a lot of good things about this movie - looking forward to seeing it!


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