Essential Tech Used by the Fire Brigade

The fire brigade does one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Every day they put their lives at risk to safe other people from the devastation caused by fires and other major disasters. Without them, many more people would lose their lives. And to get their jobs done safely, lots of technologies are used.

Thermal Imaging

There are a couple of main reasons why thermal imaging cameras are so useful for firefighters. First of all, they can be used to located the source of a fire. When they can see where the fire started, they can put it out at the source and stop it from spreading more rapidly. And secondly, the cameras can be used to locate people. When firefighters are trying to carry out a complicated rescue, being able to find a trapped person rapidly is essential. They’re one of the most useful advances in firefighting tech.

Contact Tech

Radios and phones are very important when a large team of firefighters are trying to work together to complete a job. When a large fire takes hold, there are many people involved in trying to put it out. These people have to be able to stay in contact and feed useful information to one another if the best outcome is to be found. Luckily, there are lots of easy to use contact technologies that can be used in adverse conditions. One of these technologies is the Membrane Keyboard that can be used at high temperatures.


Nowadays, the fabrics that are used to make the clothing that firefighters wear are very complex. They are specifically designed to react well to high temperatures. They are resistant to radiant heat while also remaining breathable and lightweight. This means that firefighters can remain comfortable and move around freely, but still be protected too. Heat stress can really affect the way a firefighter performs their job. New technologies are constantly being used to develop even better and more complex fabrics.

Modern Breathing Apparatus

It doesn’t take much smoke to get into a person’s lungs to cause them serious health problems. The respiratory system is one of the most intricate and fragile systems in the human body. And firefighters are obviously very susceptible to this kind of problem. They often have to enter smoke-filled buildings. In the past when firefighting was confined to the outside of a building, breathing apparatus was neither needed nor available. But modern breathing apparatuses are essential today.

Future Technologies

There are all kinds of technologies that are being developed right now. They might not all be ready for real world usage right now, but it won’t be long before that’s the case. There are some really interesting technologies being tested right now. For example, electrical wave blasters that are being developed will be able to bend flames to suppress them and stop fires spreading. This would present an entirely new way of battling fires. New ladders and ways of stopping fires are being trialled all the time.

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