Blogsvertise is one of the many websites where I make money from blogging. I've been a member of this site since 2008 and up to now I still receive tasks from them. Although it is not that abundant compared to the past years but at least I get to receive 1-5 tasks in a month. It still helps to pay the bills.

Talking about payment, they have actually implemented a new policy. If you are not yet aware of this and already upset why you haven't received that long overdue payment on your account then read on...
According to their Facebook page:
Blogger payments will now be generated when your Payment Management reaches $50+. Your total payments due must reach a total of at least $50 in order to receive payment. This policy has been implemented in order to cut additional PayPal fees. Many companies similar to ours have a minimum of $100 before bloggers can receive payment. We wanted to be fair to our loyal members and did not want to make bloggers wait to reach that amount.
So what do you think? Is this fair enough?