June 25, 2018

Fashion Rules Everyone Needs To Follow

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fashion, shopping

When it comes to fashion, we all have our own individual sense of style, whether we realise it or not. However, no matter whether you are a fan of the preppy look or you love edgy garments, there are some basic fashion rules that we should all follow. So, let’s take a look at them in further detail…

Accessories are your best friends – A boring black dress can be transformed with a statement necklace. Not only this, but you can easily take a day outfit to a night outfit with carefully chosen accessories. From hats to jewellery, make sure you embrace accessories, but don’t go overboard. You are not going to make any friends at work if your bangles are clinking together all day long. 

Comfort always comes first – Whether it is a pair of jeans or some new ankle boots, comfort always needs to come first. This is important for a number of different reasons. Firstly, of course, you do not want to spend your whole day feeling uncomfortable and, even worse, in pain. You may say that it is in the name of fashion! However, there is nothing stylish about someone who clearly doesn’t feel at ease in what they are wearing. If you look like a penguin in five-inch heels, ditch them for a more sensible pair. 

Pay attention to washing labels – This may seem obvious, but you would not believe how many people do not bother to read the washing labels on their garments. You will spoil your delicate new silk blouse if you do not refer to the instructions on the label first. 

Always have a great lipstick, perfume, and an umbrella – These are your three fashion essentials. Do you want to be unprepared when a storm comes its way? There is nothing quite like rain to ruin a good outfit and good hair! Plus, if you are invited to a last-minute gathering, a spritz of fragrance and a speedy slick of lipstick will never let you down. 

Spend time looking for the right pair of jeans – Last but not least, a good pair of jeans is essential in any wardrobe, but you need to make sure they are the right pair. You may need to try on hundreds of different pairs, from traditional straight-legged style to baggy boyfriend cut jeans, but you will get there in the end and it will be worth it. The right pair of jeans can provide you with the perfect base for so many different looks. 

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding regarding some of the most important and basic fashion rules. These rules are essential in terms of looking good and feeling great. Once you have the basics down, you can then build upon it with your own unique sense of style.
June 22, 2018

Everything You Need To Know About Business Software

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programming, coding
Source: pxhere

In my eyes, every business should use at least one piece of computer software. Whether it’s something to manage your expenses, or a system that keeps consumer information tucked safely away - the bottom line is; software is useful. 

Saying that, there is a lot to think about before you go out and get some business software. It’s not just a case of buying the first thing you see, there’s more to it than that. As such, I’ve put together a guide that will help you understand everything there is to know about getting your hands on business software

Developing Custom Software 

Instead of going out and downloading existing software, you could build your own. Why would you do this? It sounds time-consuming, expensive, and the overall worst option out of the two. There are lots of little reasons this may seem like an attractive prospect to you, but the main one is this; it’s software that’s unique to your business. 

In turn, this means you have something that’s designed to work for a specific purpose. There’s no need to worry about loads of extra features that may be available on other software downloads, which you will never use. Not only that, but you’ve got something that’s easier for you to manage and maintain. When problems occur, you can deal with them quickly because you haven’t got to contact a customer service team to help sort them out. 

As for the time-consuming and expensive worries, these aren’t as bad as you originally perceive. Most people assume you need to hire a software development team, but you can easily just outsource proceedings to another company. Or, a more popular idea is the concept of a software development team extension. This is where you have a small and affordable team in your office, but you get the help of another business to act as an extension of your team. Doing this allows you to speed up productivity, without having to spend too much money. Plus, it’s arguably better than outsourcing as some of the team work on your premises, so you have easy contact methods. 

Is custom software development the right path for you to proceed down? This depends; do you want to create some software applications that are unique to your business? A lot of companies may find they have everything they need in existing software so this wouldn’t be necessary for them. If your business fits the category of a company that requires its own software as nothing else is working well for you, then go for it. 

coding, programming
Source: pixnio

Purchasing Existing Software 

The next thing to cover is buying software that already exists. This is a popular method for many, as it’s seen as the quickest and easiest way to do things. Instead of taking on the burden of software development yourself, you simply search for something that’s already been developed by a different company. 

As alluded to earlier, the main drawback of this is that some software comes with almost too many features. This makes it hard for you and your team to understand, leading to a lengthy learning period. Or, you may have features on there that just are never going to be used. It means you end up with a bloated piece of software that you feel like you’re not getting the most out of. As a result, it can kind of feel like you’re wasting money by not seeing its full potential. 

But, purchasing existing software has the benefit of coming with reviews. You can see what other businesses think about this software, and whether or not it will indeed help your company. There are loads of examples of business software that so many companies download and use. Quickbooks is just the first one that springs to mind; it’s bookkeeping software for businesses. Loads or organizations find it useful to manage their books, and so on. It’s also a lot cheaper to buy software that already exists, and you can have it on your desktop in seconds. 

There are a few pieces of advice I have surrounding this topic. Firstly, I suggest you always buy the software directly from the developer's website. This gives you confidence that you’ve spent money on something that’s a) genuine, and b) not riddled with viruses. As tempting as it is to buy a free version from a dodgy site, you should always support developers and pay for it. Secondly, do your research and find the best software for your needs. Price should be no object, as this is an investment more than an expense. Let’s say you spend $300 on software, it seems like a lot, but you now own that software forever, so it’s still great value. 

Combining The Two 

At this point in the article you’re probably thinking; hang on, what if I wanted to do both these things? That’s a very good point, you can easily combine both methods when it suits you. In fact, this is the recommended thing to do! 

There are times where you might need a custom piece of software because nothing out there is ticking all the right boxes for your business. So, you can still develop this and then use existing software for other business processes. It’s rare to see a company that uses completely custom software for everything. Granted, many will only use existing software, but I think a combination can work well in the right scenarios. 

The key is figuring out when you benefit more from custom software compared to existing software. 

Source: Max Pixel

Managing Your Budget 

Of course, the final thing to talk about is your budget. No matter if you develop the software yourself, or you’re buying it online; it still costs money. Always ensure that you’re managing your budget and only spending what you can afford. 

I know this sounds contradictory to what I said earlier about money being no object when you purchase the software. What I really meant was that you should set a budget and then go on your hunt for the right product. As long as everything fits your budget, then the price doesn’t matter as you can afford it. 

The same obviously goes for custom development. Whether you’re hiring an entire team, outsourcing; whatever, make sure you have a budget drawn up. Calculate the cost of developing the software before you go out and do it. Heck, you may find it's way out of your league, in which case you’ll have to just buy software anyway! 

Business Software: A Summary 

So, to summarize everything; business software is both essential and beneficial. There are loads of different types out there, but they’re all designed to help you improve your business processes. This could mean speeding things up, getting rid of errors, improving efficiency, helping you stick to deadlines, and so on. 

Next, if you want to get your hands on some business software, then you have two options; develop it yourself or buy it online. Either option can work well for you, it all depends on the software you’re interested in using. If you choose to develop it, then you’ll need to find talented individuals to do this, either by hiring them, outsourcing, or both! 

When buying software, be careful to always go to the official site so avoid downloading anything dodgy and teeming with malware. Similarly, do as much research as possible to ensure you get the best software for your needs. If all the reviews for something are negative, it’s probably not worth buying. 

I hope this post has helped you understand business software and the options available for your business. If you want to run an efficient and productive business, then get your hands on the right software today.
June 21, 2018

Stop Wasting Money The Simple Way

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cash, counting cash

You need to be more frugal. You’ve got to be. Statistically speaking anyway. Why? Because in a recent report by some hotshot survey team (Bankrate rings a bell), almost 1 in 4 Americans now has more credit card debt than they have savings. That’s not a good place to be. In fact, it’s a terrible place to be. It’s that sort of milestone you never want to hit. And yet, here we are, having to hold up our collective hands and say, “we’re not so good with money”. 

Part of the problem is the education system. It’s completely geared toward getting you the best job you can, from start right through to finish, and yet not one school has a module on money management. It’s nuts. Nonetheless, you can’t use that as an excuse when the internet offers you a free education on this subject. 

Thankfully, all you need to do to become a little more frugal and money smart is make a few teeny-tiny tweaks in your day to day life. Don’t believe us, just read on. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. 

1. Don’t Pay Full Price

Absolutely everything that gets slapped with a price tag will be slapped with a discount tag at some point or another. Clothes, food, plane tickets, hotel rooms, everything. So instead of shooting yourself in the wallet, stop buying things at full price. 

2. Get Rid Of Cable

This is a hard one to swallow. We know that. But what’s the point in paying $99 a month for 3,567 channels you don’t watch when you can get Netflix and Hulu for a combined total of $15 a month? Trust us: no one that has made the leap has ever gone back to cable. No one. 

3. Don’t Shop Hungry

One of the worst things you can do is go grocery shopping when your belly is rumbling. You’ll just end up buying loads of stuff you don’t want or need (and probably see it go to waste too). It’s a much better idea to go shopping after a meal and with a list of things you need. Don’t deviate from the list.

4. Get Some Help

Like we said, there is no lesson on how to be better with your money, so hire someone in the know instead. If you’ve been caught in a car accident, go to https://www.hugheylawfirm.com/auto-accidents/ and hire a lawyer that will be able to get you the most compensation instead of winging it. If you want to invest some of your money, hire a portfolio manager who knows what the best stocks and shares are. If you want to up your pension, go and chat to a financial manager. Simple. 

 5. Only Carry Cash

Tapping a card on a machine doesn’t feel like you’re spending money. It just doesn’t. What does, however, is getting your weekly spending budget out in cash and only using this to make purchases. Trust us, you won’t be making any willy-nilly, needless transactions if you see your money physically leaving your wallet.
June 19, 2018

4 Things You Need to Do First Before Buying Wedding Rings Online

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wedding rings

We have entered an age where buying things online is no longer considered a new-age trend. Instead, it’s almost a mundane task performed by the masses. Right from groceries to a flat-screen television, there is no limit to what we can buy online. Jewelry is certainly no different. There are dozens of online stores selling everything from diamond encrusted rings to stainless steel bracelets. This often makes people wonder, is there a need to go to stores to buy wedding rings? In today’s fast-paced life, swiping and tapping your way to find the best wedding rings online certainly seems more convenient than going to physical stores. For most parts, buying jewelry online is definitely an evolutionary step forward. However, there are certain things you need to keep in mind before buying jewelry online. Following these will help you get a good deal and ensure you get an authentic piece. Without further ado, following are 4 things you need to do before buying wedding rings online

Browse Aimlessly: It may sound like a weird advice but browsing a jewelry store online without any preconceived idea is a good thing. This allows you to explore all the options and get a more in-depth look of the entire collection. It also helps you find an alternative to typical diamond and platinum pieces. Simply by choosing to explore you may end up buying a beautiful wedding ring set at half the cost of your original budget. When browsing, make sure to mark all the items you like by favoriting them so that you can find them later. 

Read Customer Reviews: Most online jewelry stores proudly display positive customer testimonials on the homepage. As a smart consumer, you know already that those reviews are either fake or selectively picked from a list of random customer reviews. To get the best picture about the reputation of the store, it’s always recommended to checkout an independent listing site like Yelp. If a site sells fake jewelry you will definitely find angry customer reviews online. 

Checkout Their Return Policy: An online seller that doesn’t offer a no-questions-asked return policy doesn’t really have much faith in its own products. As a consumer, you should be able to return a piece unless you damage it in any way or past the date of return. Most reputable online jewelry stores show their transparent return policy by displaying texts like“free return” or “easy returns” on the homepage.

Learn More About Accreditations and Certificates of Authenticity: To ensure you are not dealing with an unscrupulous website, you need to find out if the site is accredited by independent organizations. For example, National Association of Jewellers is an independent organization that certifies online jewelry stores in the UK. Apart from that, you also need to check certificates of authenticity that come with the wedding ring. Make sure the certificate is issued by a reputed gemological organization. Also, it's important to know what to look for when reading jewelry grading reports or certificates.
June 19, 2018

You Know, It’s Never Too Late To Get Into Gaming

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controller, joystick
Source: Pick a Controller today

It wasn’t that long ago that gaming was designed for a very select audience. In today’s world, however, it is a concept that’s pretty much ubiquitous. So, even if the attraction has previously passed you by, now is the perfect time to join the revolution. Here are just ten reasons why.

 #1. It’s Not All GTA and Warcraft 

If you’re unfamiliar with gaming, you’ve probably heard about a very select list of games. However, there are games for virtually everyone. Whether you love sports, sci-fi, driving, shooting, or anything else, you will find a game to suit your needs. This is your chance to escape to a virtual world and do anything you want to do, even if it’s something like simulating a flight. 

#2. Gaming Is A Great Way To Relax 

Given the hectic lifestyles we all lead, the opportunity to relax for a few hours is always a bonus. Gaming is the perfect chance to do this, especially as you don’t even need to leave your home. Create the ideal chill out space and make your PC or console the heart of it all. Not only will this enhance your gaming experience, but it’ll build a happier home environment too. 

controller, joystick
Source: Let gaming dominate your home entertainment system

#3. Gaming Is Known To Promote A Healthy Mind 

Many of the people that are yet to be won over by the gaming world feel that video games are harmful. After all, a lot of headlines have been written about this. In reality, though, gaming is shown to aid cognitive development. The benefits include increased coordination and awareness as well as improved memory and brain speed. When added to the relaxed vibes, this is amazing. 

#4. Gaming Doesn’t Have To Cost A Fortune 

It’s possible to spend thousands on a gaming PC or console and hundreds more on the games and accessories. Then again, you could just as easily stick to cheap titles and used games bought off of eBay. Alternatively, if you have an internet connection, you could decide to play free Flash games on various gaming websites. This way, you can try as many titles until you find one you love. 

#5. You Could Win Money Too 

The only thing better than having a great hobby is having a great hobby that increases your bank balance. There are many ways to make money from gaming. In fact, the professionals can earn millions from it. For most people, casino games are the perfect solution, and the best new mobile features are top of the agenda. If winning money doesn’t give you an incentive, what will?

Source: Winning cash can only increase the enjoyment

#6. You Can Be The Controller 

The days of being forced to use a joypad or a keyboard are long gone. Virtual reality is the way forward, with the PS VR unit putting you at the heart of many digital experiences. Alternatively, you can use a host of accessories like steering wheels and guns. Either way, there’s no need to master the traditional controllers if you don’t want to. This is excellent news for all. 

#7. Play Friends 

One of the best things about any hobby is being able to enjoy those activities with friends. While inviting friends over is one option, online gaming means you no longer have to. Simply add your friends to your network and join a party for hours of gaming fun. Whichever type of game you play, this social factor will change those experiences for the better. 

#8. It Can Be Family Fun 

A lot of parents worry that gaming can disrupt family time. But if you can’t beat it, why not embrace it? Choosing games that you can play together soon overcomes those hurdles regarding family time. Furthermore, it can be the perfect way to monitor the development of motor skills as well as their reading capabilities. 

VR, virtual room gaming
Source: VR is just one example of family gaming

#9. Reconnect With Your Youth 

As a non-gamer, you might not have any experience of playing video games. Then again, you may have played them back in your youth. Whether it was Tetris, Pong, Space Invaders or another title, retro gaming allows you to rediscover those joys. Aside from reconnecting with your youth, it can be another way to share gaming experiences with your kids or grandchildren. 

#10. You Don’t Need Dedication 

Some of the most popular gaming titles require a lot of commitment. Nevertheless, there are plenty of other titles that allow you to dip in and out when it feels right for you. Platforms games, puzzles, and sports titles are all great examples. Whether you wish to play a few hours per week or a few hours per year, gaming can be an enjoyable activity. And that doesn’t change no matter how old you become.
June 15, 2018

Ways to Show Love to your Children

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father and daughter cuddling, father and daughter playing, father and daughter love, father and daughter

Showing your children that you love them is very important. A child that experience parents or guardian love tend to perform well in school and his/her self-esteem is improved. They become courageous and hence they enjoy their social life too. You might love your kid so much, but without you expressing your love towards him, they will not realize it. Here is how you can show your little ones that you love them. 

1. Show them, unconditional love

Let your kids know that your love toward them is unconditional. So whether they perform poorly in their studies or misbehave in one way or the other, always assure them of your love and encourage them that they can do better.

2. Tough love

Again, tough love is required even if they won’t understand it at the moment. Set some rules for them and let them become responsible from the word go. Discipline them when they misbehave to make them good and responsible people in future. Believe it or not, there will come a time when they'll learn to appreciate your tough love.

 3. Use the language of love

Show your kids that you love them by talking to them in a lovely way. Call them by sweet nicknames such as darling and sweetheart, whenever you’re addressing to them. See Cute Names To Call A Girl. Again, it’s good sometimes you learn to be a ‘yes’ mama or daddy. That is; agreeing on anything they say provided it won’t harm them in any way. They will love it!

4. Show them affection

Hugging and kissing your kids is the best way to express your love to your little ones. Make it a habit to embrace them before you part ways in the morning and in the evening when you meet. Children will really enjoy this and they’ll see how much you care for them.

5. Special occasions

Make sure not to forget any of their special occasions such as birthdays. Buy them the gift that they like and have them call their friends to enjoy together. Other occasions such as school events should not be skipped in any way.

6. Listen to them

Listen carefully to your kids whenever they want to talk to you without interrupting them. Many parents do dismiss or ignore when their kids are speaking to them which is very wrong. So pay attention to whatever he is telling you and consider his opinions too. Give them also a chance to make their own choices depending on their age. E.g. A 5-year-old can decide what he wants to take during the breakfast.

7. Teach them, spiritual love

Teach them about the spiritual love and let them know their creator love them more all the time. Teach them to love their neighbor, love each other and to always stay at peace with others. Pray for them too as they listen.

Assure your kids of your love all the time by simply telling them ‘I love you’ every day. It is a short phrase but has a big effect when used effectively. Other small things like dropping them at their school instead of using the bus, will make you connect and they will see how much you care for them.
June 13, 2018

Importance of Using Humidifiers in your bedroom

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Studies have shown that to maintain a good health, it is necessary that a person also maintains a good sleep schedule. Sleeping comfortably is the main element which needs to be considered by anyone who aims to have a healthy life. Sleeping time depends on the length of time for which you were asleep as well as the place you were sleeping. Air humidifiers are known to improve the environment of the room to help induce decent sleep in the person and keeping them relaxed. Since every person’s health is different from others, it is necessary that you should search for the humidifier which is best suited for your health. 


The humidifiers are warm and are also available in cool mist. It is best that you choose a cool mist and evaporative humidifier since it is economical as well as better for your health. A lot of people these days are suffering from Asthma and Allergy problems. These conditions increased and are still increasing because of the constantly increasing air pollution. When you reach the comfort of your home, you want to maintain the interior in such a way that it can create balance with all the pollution that you face outside. For that matter, you would want to maintain the inside of your home in such a way that your body organs can breathe and relax in there. Humidifiers work best for this purpose. There is a large collection available in the market and you can pick the Best Cool Mist Humidifier for you as per your requirements. 

Cool mist humidifiers comes in different shapes and sizes. The main item that they contain inside them is water and then there are several add-ons like essential oils as well. The basic task of the humidifier is to purify the air. There are combinational humidifiers available too which have the functionality of both warm and cool mist humidifier. Mostly they come with automatic system so you don’t have to worry at night that it might overheat due to running out of water. This is also a security factor and improves the quality of the humidifier as well. There are various mist temperature settings available on the devices and can fit in any bedroom easily. The humidifiers are super quiet and you won’t have to worry about any disturbance due to noise during your sleep.

A study showed that people who were unable to sleep comfortably, saw a decline in their health. Therefore it is necessary to maintain your sleep to maintain your health. There are several benefits of using cool mist and evaporative humidifiers which can enrich your personal space, especially your bedroom where you spend a lot of time. If you create a healthy environment for yourself in your room, it will increase your overall productivity as well. Besides all the brands and sizes, it also depends on your budget that which humidifier will suit you well. No matter what size you get, there should be one in your room to soothe you while you sleep.
June 12, 2018

It’s Never Too Early to Begin Planning a Special Holiday for Family and Friends

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There are so many holidays each year on the calendar and some are simply more important to your family and friends than others. While some especially love the Christmas holidays, others are more eager for days like Valentine’s Day and their birthday because these are special holidays that show them how much they are appreciated and loved. In other words, these are the special days that show them just how special they are to you. 


The Internet Is Your Best Resource!

If you have ever found yourself stumped for just what to do or buy for this special occasion, remember that it’s never too early to begin planning for a special holiday. With the entire World Wide Web at your disposal, you can gather tips and suggestions literally any day of the week and then save the site in a special folder you create in your browser of choice. As the day approaches, refer back to your Favorites list and you will have no trouble choosing the right card or gift because you’ve had a whole year to prepare for the day. 

What Happens If You’ve Lost Your Favorites? 

One of the problems which many people encounter is inadvertently deleting or losing their favorites menu. Sometimes this happens when loading a new computer and other times it’s the result of changing browsers. Sometimes there’s no explanation for why your favorites are suddenly lost in cyberspace, but the good news is, you can usually get them back! Check out articles like Where Do I Find My Favorites if that special day is approaching and you suddenly find your folder or the entire favorites menu missing. This is the one folder you’ve spent a great deal of time on, so make sure you learn how to recover it in the event that it is no longer there! Can you remember the site you found that perfect poem on? Probably not, so this is one tip you won’t want to miss! 

Why You Should Learn Their Wants Well in Advance

One of the main reasons why you would want to start planning a special holiday well in advance is because they would never suspect that you are ‘feeling them out’ for things they really want but are reluctant to ask for. For example, it’s the Fourth of July and you start talking about New Year’s fireworks over the Big Apple. That could easily lead to a discussion on the Christmas holidays and what they would like if they had a choice of anything in the world. Or, you could simply begin noticing things they pay special attention to. You can’t miss a woman stopping in front of a jewelry store gazing longingly at that lovely tennis bracelet or diamond brooch. 

The whole idea is to begin gathering ‘intel’ so that you can take that information home and begin browsing the Web to find great deals on the perfect gift, even if it’s almost a year away. No matter how you cut it, the earlier you begin, the more unlikely it is that your friend or loved one will get the hint that you are looking for next year’s perfect Valentine or birthday gift. When the special day arrives, your gift will come as a total surprise and that is what you are hoping to do. It’s a fun and easy way to get your shopping done well in advance so that you can sit back and enjoy that special day. Now then, wasn’t that easy?
June 06, 2018

Learning Kentico: How to Fix SQL Query problems for Custom Tables (Form Control Dropdown List)

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Yey! I'm finally done with Custom Module exercises. I was really stucked with this for weeks/month because everything was new to me. I have to read a lot of info from the documentation and it was really hard to understand. Eventhough I passed all the tests but I don't like to proceed to the next topic if I can't do the exercises. I'm just so happy, I finally did it. 

But before I was able to completely finished it, I encountered two more issues when trying to display the data from the custom table. This is related to SQL query problems in Form Control Dropdown List. See screenshot below: 

Invalid Object Name
Invalid object Name (click image to enlarge)

1. Invalid Object Name
- so for this one, I didn't correctly choose the database table name. I have put the Display name instead.

can't find column, sql query problem
Can't find column 1 (click image to enlarge)

2. Can't find Column 1
- this is because I thought just putting one 'Specialty Name' in the query would be enough.  The correct one/format is  this:

SELECT SpecialtyName, SpecialtyName FROM customtable_doctorspecialty

select query
correct sql query (click to enlarge)

Next would be Kentico API exercises!

June 06, 2018

Learning Kentico: Custom Module not showing in Custom Applications (CMS Desk)

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So I was trying to create the Doctors Appointment custom module exercise now after I have practiced creating a custom module (CompanyAlRitch) based on the video from the Kentico course. 

I have followed all the steps and I was wondering why the Doctor class or the new module I have created is not showing in the Custom Applications in (CMS Desk).
Screenshot below. 
custom module not showing in cms desk applications
custom module not showing (click to enlarge)

What did I miss? As you see in the screenshot, the Office and Employees are showing. How about the Doctor? So I checked again: 
  • checked if I set it as a Global Application - DONE
  • they said to rebuild since I put the custom classes inside the Kentico project (App code) - DONE
  • checked the video from the Kentico course over and over again if I missed any step - DONE
  • lastly, I resorted to deleting the module again and creating a new one - DONE
But it is still not showing. Toinks! :(

So I searched in Kentico Devnet and you know what I missed? I didn't assign it to the correct site (Medio Clinic site) Whatta! Small thing to overlook but it gave me a headache. Hehehe. 

Anyway, thanks for this post - it gave me an idea where to check. This was not mentioned in the Kentico course because the example was a web app. So guys, don't forget this also. 

assign site to custom module
assign site to a custom module (click to enlarge)

Till next time! 
June 05, 2018

Learning Kentico: How to Fix Cannot connect to target: connect ECONNREFUSED issue

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This is just a quick post about something I learned today. Not Kentico related but I'm glad to be able to know this while I am learning Kentico. Yep, when you encountered issues and all that stuff!

So I was trying to launch my local copy using Chrome but for some reason, it says that the "Debugger operation is taking a long time to complete. Click "Cancel" to stop waiting and terminate process". 

Then this window pop-ups that I cannot connect to run time process, timeout after 10000 ms. Reason: Cannot connect to target: connect ECONNREFUSED issue (see screenshot below)

cannot connect to target connect econnrefused
Econnrefused issue (click image to enlarge)

So I wondered why I can't launch it using Chrome now (it used to work). So I restarted my computer and try again, but it still fails me. I tried to search for solution online but suggested solution seems to make me have a nosebleed like this stuff found here. There must have been something wrong that I've done. 

And yes, my instinct is right. I should not enable the Script Debugging. I found it when trying to switch to different browser. When I click disabled, all is good now.  :) So this is now NOTED. :) Ok back to learning! (Good luck to myself!)

script debugging disabled
Script debugging disabled (click image to enlarge)
June 04, 2018

Can't Get Enough of Steven Paysu's cover songs

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Steven Paysu

Gosshhhh! I don't know what's happening with me but I just can't get enough of Steven Paysu's songs. I've been listening to his cover songs over and over again. This even prompted me to create my first ever playlist on YouTube where you can find all Steven Paysu's Tawag ng Tanghalan videos (those videos that were uploaded by ABS-CBN Entertainment). Yes! clear videos and legit source only. :) 

I just hope that they will upload his past videos also because I missed those times when he was still a semi-finalist or way, way back. I tried to search it on I want TV but it seems like you can only access a whole month's episode of a particular show (like Show Time) even if you are in a Premium account. If I am wrong, please correct me or point me as to where I can watch his previous performances. I'm really dying to listen to his other songs...I really love his songs and I love the fact that he is always singing love songs. And take note! Classic love songs! Gossshhhh...nakakainlove talaga ang mga songs niya! I just can't get enough! I can't wait for his ALBUM! I can't wait to listen to the whole song version of all the songs he sangs in Show Time. Gossshhhhh! Steven, when are you coming back to the Philippines? Hehehe.

Anyways, ito iyong mga Top 3 Favorites (videos) ko so far - sa mga kinanta niya. :) :) :)

1. Steven Paysu's Got To Believe in Magic version - Kyla can best describe how everyone was feeling when he sang this. And it was really good. I was also teary eyed that time when I was watching him (at nakaheadset pako ako noon). So grabe talaga ang impact! Mararamdaman mo talaga ang song! And I love the fact that this was also the theme song of my favorite Filipino movie of all time: Got to Believe in Magic (Claudine and Rico). Flashbacks!

2. Steven Paysu's I'll just Fall In Love Again version - this song is also so beautiful! Kaya nga nasabi ni judge Jaya na ewan ko na lang kung hindi pa iboboto ng madlang people. Coz you know? Kahit super taas ng ratings niya sa judges, hindi siya makapasok-pasok kaagad sa Top 6. This song really sealed it. Walang kawala na kaya naman nakakuha siya ng 99.8% na votes na.

Ito iyong tipong kahit hindi ka inlove, ma-iinlove ka! Hehehe. Maaalala mo iyong nakaraan, or mag-lo-long ka for someone. Or hahanapin mo iyong magic? Charus! Hehehe.

3. Steven Paysu's Barry Manilow medley - 'Nung kinanta niya toh, grabe talaga ang tagos nito sa puso! Parang nakukuryente ako, naiiyak azz in halo-halo na ang emosyon. But it was a good feeling. Ramdan ko na parang nasa Aliw Theater din ako that time. Kinakaway ang aking mga kamay especially sa mga linyang ito, na para siyang national anthem ng mga lahat ng inlove sa music.

I write the songs that make the whole world sing 
I write the songs of love and special things 
I write the songs that make the young girls cry 
I write the songs, I write the songs

Hayyy, ang sarap sa pakiramdan! Salamat talaga sa musika! At salamat Steven sa napakaganda mong mga version ng ma kantang ito! Hayyyy! Lumulutang pa ako! Hehehe. At Congratulations! Kahit hindi man ikaw ang nanalo, ikaw pa rin ang Panalo sa puso ng mga Fans mo! :)

P.S. Request pala sa ABS-CBN, pwde pa update iyong settings sa video ni Steven kasi hindi siya maview sa ibang country. Sa videos nila Janine at Ato okay naman pero sa kanya hindi maview. Nagcomment na ako sa mga social media pages ninyo, sana ma-actionan. Thanks in advance! Hehe. :)

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