If you’re someone who’s recently bitten the bullet and finally put a down payment on a new house, congratulations! Hopefully you’ve got a good couple of weeks or so to make sure your old place is packed up properly (or to make sure that the sale procedure has gone through to try and get a return on your investment…), and you’re looking forward to moving!
But moving home is something that can be very stressful, no matter what age you are, and because of that, there’s always some last minute checks you’re going to want to do. So here’s a quick little checklist to go over to make sure everything is in order, and that you’re not going to forget anything on the other side of the country when you’re in your new home!
Is Your Car Taken Care Of?
If you’re not already driving it, that's it. A lot of people don’t want to have to travel in their own cars from side of a city to another, and if you’re going all the way to the other end of the country, you’re going to have to fork out for a lot of miles. And that’s not a great way to start off your fresh start in your new home!
So you’re probably going to want to ride up front in the moving vehicle that has all of your furniture in it, if you’re not driving this yourself either. But you suddenly remember that it means leaving your car behind, seeing as no one else in your family has the license to get behind the wheel! Don’t worry, cheap car transport exists out there, and even a last minute phone call can work wonders for you.
If you’re moving into a new place, you probably want to settle in as soon as possible and waste no time in making the rooms look like your own. But before you do that, you’re probably going to want to clean first, and you shouldn't ignore this need. You have no idea what kind of germs could be living on the walls and the floor of your new pad, even when it’s a modern structure with what seems to be plenty of cleanliness to its name; make sure you’ve put your own brand of cleanliness on it.
Get inside all of the cupboards and under the stairs, and break out the vacuum to make sure there’s no excess fluff on the carpet (or sawdust, if it’s a recent development). Dust behind any furniture that already sits in the house, and you might even want to get into the attic as well; you don’t want to start storing your items up there when it’s one of the filthiest places you’ve ever seen!
If it’s moving day, make sure you’ve got your wits about you and a handy piece of paper in your pocket to manage all the things you still need to do. It’s better to be prepared!