3 Tips to Improve Your Link Prospecting

An important part of increasing online traffic to a company website or blog involves building links with other related sites. This is an ongoing process that helps a site rank higher in Google and also ensures a steady stream of organic traffic. Link prospecting is the first main step leading to link building. The primary question that must be answered in order to move forward with the crucial process of link building relates to how to find these invaluable links. Below are some tips for improving your link prospecting results.

Utilize advanced search queries to generate more prospects

Getting started with a basic Google search is not going to generate enough link prospects to take full advantage of all the relevant links available for traffic promotion. For this reason, it is helpful to use advanced search queries for identifying numerous linking opportunities.

For example, if an Australian boating blog is what is being promoted, then a URL search is called for and it would look like this: (Boating inurl:blog/Boating blog inurl:.com.au). This search will return boating blogs in Australia.

An exact phrase search represents another advanced search method. This type of search is perfect for identifying websites that are actively seeking guest bloggers. An exact phrase search using the boating example above would look like this: (Boating "Guest post"/Boating "write for us").

A wildcard search employs a filter requiring that the exact words specified in quotes with a second optional word in the position of the * are contained in the title or text of a prospective blog link. For example, searching with (boating"guest*blog) will identify any blogs using the word boating couple with any other word. For example, any blog containing the words boating equipment or boating locales would show up on a wildcard search.

Analyse competitor links

There is a goldmine of information that is readily available by simply reviewing competitor's websites and blogs. By simply checking out competitor's blogrolls and following one link to the next, a wealth of link prospects and information is available for link building. The key is to follow a competitor's links to the next set of links as long as it makes sense and remain related. It is easy to determine when each trail has gotten too far away from the niche being researched.

Utilize Twitter as a resource for connecting with bloggers

This social media tool is ideal for building relationships with like-minded contacts that can help with promotional activities such as reviews and new product introductions. There are a couple of recommended tools that will make this task easier. Follower Wonk is a tool used to identify relevant Twitter contacts through a bio search. Topsy is another useful tool to check out for search purposes. This tool is employed as a social media search aid.

Author Bio
Cameron is an Online Marketing expert from Sydney, Australia. He manages high-end link building campaigns and is always looking for new methods for link prospecting. If you need assistance with your link building campaign, Cameron recommends the professionals at lovesdata.com.

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