The world recently mourns the untimely demise of Hollywood actor Paul Walker, who became a household name through his role as Brian O'Conner in the film franchise, Fast And The Furious. Slated to reprise his role for the 7th film installment, the charismatic actor figured in a car crash with one of his friends aboard a Porsche Carrera GT. They were reported to have just left a charity event for Walker's Reach Out Worldwide foundation for the benefit of the survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan. Authorities agreed that speed might have played a vital role in the fate of the Walker and his friend who were found dead on the spot in the total-wrecked sports car. It sure is a sudden and unfortunate end for someone who have made a living driving all those fascinating muscle cars in his films. The world lost yet another hero.
While this sudden turn of events brought forth stories of Paul Walker's heroic acts when he was alive, with dearest friends and fans having their own stories to tell, may this accident also remind everyone to always be careful when behind the steering wheel. Accidents and unfortunate events lurk in every corner while you are out on the road that is why it is a must to always be on guard. Road safety, like strictly following road signs as well as keeping those seat belts on, could go a very long way. Precautions like checking your engine and your tires, as well as your gas and oil, before each road trip is also of utmost importance. It might also be the most opportune time to seriously consider that car insurance buying guide you have been trying to ignore for a long time now.
We may not predict road accidents nor ward them off every single time, but it will prove beneficial if you are to think ahead of yourself and get that car insurance as soon as you find the time. It will also be helpful to consult with sites like Zanda, in case you have no idea on which car insurance to opt for that will work best with your needs and your budget specifications. You might also consider a couple of the best car insurance companies based on Consumer Reports, Amica Insurance and Auto Owners Insurance for a suitable car insurance plan for you and your car. Bear in mind that a car insurance company's reputation is their best qualification so make sure to check out previous customers' feedback after they made their claims.
Choosing the right insurance company is no rocket science, read, educate yourself and solicit opinions from experts and you will get the hang of it in no time. For more info, check out this infographic below.
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