5 Things Couples Should Do Before Tying The Knot

If you ask anyone that’s married what it is like to have tied the knot with The One they will tell you that it is the most amazing thing in the world. They will tell you they are married to their best friend and that is more than anyone could ask. However, they will also tell you that marriage is hard. If you’ve ever been in a relationship, then you’ll know it isn’t always easy, but marriage is a step up; in the best way possible. You are more responsible for them than you have ever been to anyone else, ever. 

That is why it is so important you experience the following things together, as a couple, before deciding to commit to each other from now until death decides otherwise. Whatever happens, it will be the most amazing fun you’ve ever had. 

Travel As A Couple 

When you travel with your partner you learn so much more about them, about you and about how you are together when you step outside your comfort zones. Traveling has a way of showing one another a more complete you because you’ll get to see how one another reacts in totally new environments; when you are stressed, lost, stranded somewhere or suddenly without money because the bank stopped your card. You get to know each other on an entirely new level.

Arguing Is Good 

When you argue with your partner you learn how to handle yourself and how they handle themselves and, most importantly, how you both resolve it. It also shows you care enough to argue, to show your hand and your emotions and not bottle it up. It will also allow you to see where your partner is passionate, which topics really matter to them, and that is amazing. 

Talk About Money 

The number one argument couples have is about money, so it is best to get on the same page and talk about it early on. Talk about any money troubles and to solve them. Be open with each other about what your career ambitions are, what you want to save up for, what is important in terms of finances and security and whether you will keep your finances separate or open a shared account. All of these things will help you in the long run. 

Have The Marriage Chat 

This is just about getting your feelings out there, or about your expectations, but your expectations as a couple. It is your way of knowing whether you are on the same page. It could also be fun to start dropping hints, like sitting with him on the sofa as you scroll through engagement rings at Whiteflash while he is trying to watch the game, or occasionally saying, wouldn’t that be the perfect venue. Just remember that your future should be a combined entity; if you are serious about each other then your personal goals need to entwine and work alongside each other.

Know The Family 

Chances are you both have families in your lives. Well, you are going to need to get to know each other as well as you possibly can. Yes, you are hoping to marry the person that you spend every day with, your best friend in the whole world; but you are also marrying everything that comes with them, and that means their family. You don’t have to vet each member, just be aware of what drama you are getting into and then embrace it. Not all drama is bad.

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