Why Your Best Gardening Attempts Are Resulting In Failure

There’s something incredibly rewarding about growing something from seemingly nothing. Sprinkle down a few seeds, and in a matter of months you can have fully formed plants and flowers- it really does seem like a miracle of nature. On top of this, gardening keeps you fit and can save you a little money on your grocery bill too which is certainly no bad thing. It’s a fantastic hobby to have! However, if you’re not doing too well in the garden and your efforts are repeatedly failing, don’t give up. Chances are there’s something that’s not quite right which you’ll be able to adjust. Here are some of the factors to take into consideration. 

There’s Something Wrong With Your Soil 

Too much peat or clay in the soil can make it dense and easy to waterlog. Too sandy and it won’t hold moisture and your crops will shrivel. The PH balance might also be off, and not quite right for what you’re growing. Another possibility is that the ground is contaminated. Having your soil tested for toxins and pollutants by a company like SESL is the only way you’ll know for sure. If there’s a chance your soil is bad, it’s worth having this done for peace of mind. If you’re planning on consuming what you grow, poisonous soil can lead to contaminated produce. 

It’s Not The Right Temperature 

Different plants will grow best at certain temperatures, meaning where you are in the world plays a huge role in what you can get to grow at different times of year. If you’re in a climate that’s cooler, investing in a greenhouse will allow you to extend the growing season and also have far better control of the climate. Find out what ‘climate zone’ your country or state is in, and from there you will be able to find tailored advice for the temperatures you’re in.

You’re Over or Under Watering 

Some plants require a lot of water, others will only need a small amount. Don’t just guess, if you want to make your crops grow successfully do the research. How much water depends a lot on the soil and ground conditions too. As of course, some types are more likely to hold water and flood which can result in rotten roots. 

Your Plants are Competing 

Certain plants shouldn’t be put next to each other since they will be competing for the same nutrients in the soil. For example, don’t put tomatoes near broccoli, cauliflower, cilantro or cucumbers. Instead, plant tomatoes near asparagus, carrots or celery which get along much better together in the vegetable patch. This isn’t something you’re likely to just know off the top of your head, so again doing some research and planning out your plot beforehand is your best bet. Some crops also shouldn’t be planted the year after others have been harvested, if you’re noticing lack of growth, then this could well be why. 

 Are you much of a gardener? What kinds of fruit, vegetables or herbs do you like to grow in your backyard?

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